Deena Capparelli | Talk Among the Trees #3 2018 | Oil, encaustic, glitter, on canvas 24x48

Visions of Elysium

    Curated by Jim Morphesis
Nov 11th – Dec 23rd 2018
Opening Reception Nov 11th 2-5pm

In Homer’s Odyssey, the poet describes a place known as the Elysian Fields, a perfect setting, always bathed in sunlight and where the west wind blows gently every day.  To this Greek paradise, righteous mortals selected by the gods, where conveyed at the time of death.  Here, in Elysium, those chosen would live a blessed and happy afterlife, pursuing pleasant endeavors through all eternity. 

While Elysium, to this day, continues to represent an idealized location for our ultimate retirement, admission is not guaranteed and many of us ponder the fate that awaits us after we, “shuffle off this mortal coil.”  For this exhibition, an exceptional group of eighteen artists of diverse disciplines were asked to consider the concept of an afterlife and challenged to visualize a place where one might experience the everlasting consequence of a corporeal existence. The participating artists have created works specifically for this exhibition, or have made selections from their existing artworks. 

The works exhibited in, Visions of Elysium, rooted in personal desires and beliefs and realized through a number of different mediums, present worlds of ethereal beauty, poignant images of longing and hope, fanciful abstractions and landscapes both inviting and foreboding, and, on occasion, an offering created through an audacious sense of humor.  Ultimately, Visions of Elysium: Imagining the Reality of an Eternal Home, is intended to present a variety of very personal and compelling artworks that suggest what may lie ahead for us all.

Joanne Julian | Ethereal Swim 2018 | Ink & Prismacolor on paper | 42x30
Mark Steven Greenfield |Crop Circle 2016 | Ink on Duralar 22X71
Todd Gray | Cosmic Journey Home 2018 | Photos - wooden frames 13x25
David DiMichele | Pseudodocumentation: Apollonian and Dionysian, 2018 | Chromogenic print 43x65


Exhibiting Artist

    Stanley Baden
Fatemah Burnes
Deena Capparelli
Woods Davy    
David DiMichele
Todd Gray
Mark Steven Greenfield
Gilah Yelin Hirsch
Joanne Julian
Alex Kritselis
Constance Mallinson
Robin Mitchell
Marina Moevs
Jonathan Puls 
Roxene Rockwell
Mark Dean Veca
Ruth Weisberg 
John Wu
Robin Mitchell | From Memory 2012 | Gouache on paper 24x18
Constance Mallinson | Small Head | Oil on paper 32x40
Roxene Rockwell | Untitled 2018 | Acrylic on canvas, 24x18
Gilah Yelin Hirsch | Choice 2010 | Acrylic on canvas 36 in diameter
Robin Mitchell| Coriolis 2017 | Gouache on paper 24x28
Mark Dean Veca | That's All 2017 | Ultrachrome print on wood panel 15.25x23
Marina Moevs | Ocean-VI 2013 | Oil on canvas 50x32 
Woods Davy | Sargassum 2011 | Watercolor, oilstick, smoke, on paper 15x11
Fatemah Burnes | Self-Portrait 2016 | Oil on wood panel
Jonathan Puls | Study for Resurrection Day 2018 | Oil on canvas
Ruth Weisberg | Silhoutte 2016 | Monotype
  Roxene Rockwell  
Stanley Baden | Thank You for Having Me 2018 | Graphite on Paper
Alex Kritselis | IN CASE OF EMERGENCYBREAK THE GLASS-“VISIONS OF ELYSIUM #3” 2018 | Wood, glass, bronze, clear cast
© 2018 Inland Empire Museum of Art
All Art © by The Artist
John Wu | Let Me Think #5 2017 | Watercolor, acrylic, spray paint on paper