Shared Vision: Local artists in conversation with works from the IEMA collection. A spiritual connection between the past and the present.

March 4th - April 22nd 2018


Throughout the trajectory of art history, artists have been influenced by one another. Sometimes the influence has to do with the invisible concepts that inform the subject matter, technique, media or the essence of the artists themselves. Essentially, there exists a desire to add on to a conversation or to generate a new one that stems from pre-existing artworks. This relational component to art production adds to the underlying web of connection that links art from different eras, continents and cultures.

Ultimately, art is a form of visual communication and every visual voice is open to a response or a reaction. In the group exhibition Shared Vision, 13 artists were invited to display work that shares a conversation with work selected from the Inland Empire Museum of Art. The exhibition showcases sets of works that share points of similarity but carry in them their own specificity. The curators looked for what is clearly visible in the paired art works and also for that “something intangible” that links the pairs.

Edgar Arceneaux
Areli Arellano
Jeremiah Catling
Yvonne Cavanagh
N. S. David
Jeff Del Nero
Joshua Freeman
Kelsey Overstreet
Ana Rodriguez
Kelly Shehan
Christine Lee Smith
Arnoldo Vargas
Molly Zakrajsek
  ilia Anossov
Jack Zajack
Edward Weston
Martha Mde Quezaba
Mark Dodge Medlin
Jens Lerback
Roland Reiss
Arthur Rothstein
Edward Weston
Nancy Carenen
Stedman Upham
  William Catling
Nery Gabriel Lemus
© 2018 Inland Empire Museum of Art
All Art © by The Artist