Tom Fong (1929-2016)


Portrait by: Gene Sasse 2009
Foothills Ablaze | 22x30 Watercolor | 778.18.11


  Tom Fong received his Bachelor of Science in Industrial Design from the University of Southern California.  His work has appeared in numerous art magazines, most notably, he was included in the article “20 Great Teachers” in the Collector’s Edition of Watercolor by the American Artist Magazine. He has conducted watercolor-demonstration workshop series for the National Watercolor Society and Watercolor West, where he served as President. Tom is nationally recognized for his spontaneous, abstracted landscapes, seascapes, floral and non-objective paintings in watercolor.  He has been conducting watercolor painting workshops in the United States and Internationally.
© 2018 Inland Empire Museum of Art
All Art © by The Artist