Loa Sprung

Oh Say Can You See | 32x48 watercolor | 8.13.02
portrait by: Gene Sasse 2012
    Loa Ruth Sprung, born in 1922, Studied at the Chicago Institute of Art in 1943 and 1944. Married John Sprung in 1948, two children, John Leon Sprung and Lowri Lee Sprung. Studied at Chouinard, Los Angeles, in the 1950's. Became a Signature member of National Watercolor Society in 1975. Served on their Board of Directors in several capacities including President in 2003. Received the "Arts and Humanities Award" from NWS in 2006. Taught all media in Long Beach at Poly High School and also Adult Education for the city of Los Angeles. Retired in 1987. Intuitive painting in watercolor and acrylic usually on 22 x 30 full sheets
Night on Bald Mountain | 22x30 watercolor | 7.13.02
Carmageden | 30x22 watercolor | 6.13.02
© 2015 Inland Empire Museum of Art
All Art © by The Artist